Ашық сабақ: Интербелсенді оқыту әдіс-тәсілін тиімді қолдану


«Қазығұрт» №66 жалпы орта мектеп:Баяндамашы: Бердыева Патима

Ағылшын тілі пән  мұғалім Plan of the Lesson

 I. Introduction Part

A) Greeting

B) Organization moment

C) Phonetic drill

D) Checking up the home task

II. The Main Part

A)The New Theme «Holidays«

B) Retelling the texts

C) Sing a song

D) Revision of grammar

III.Conclusion Part

A) Analyses

B) Giving marks

C) Giving home task

A) Greeting

Teacher: Good
afternoon pupils!

Pupils: Good afternoon teacher!

Teacher: How are you?

Pupils: We are fine thanks, and you?

Teacher: I`m glad to see you. Sit down, please!

B) Organization 

Who is duty today?

Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

What month is it now?

What is the weather like for today?

Сабақтың әрбір кезеңіне берілетін уақыт:

топқа бөлу — 1 мин.,

ойсергек — 1 мин.,

— «Проблеманы айқындау» кезеңі — 14 мин. (оның ішінде үй тапсырмасын тексеру — 9 мин.),

«Проблеманы шешу кезеңі» — 12 мин.,

«Проблеманың шешімін қолдану» кезеңі – 17 мин.,

оның ішінде «Оңай және қиын сұрақтар» кестесін талқылау – 7 мин.,

бағалау (эссе) – 6 мин.,

жариялау – 2 мин.,

қорытындылау (кері байланыс) – 1 мин.,

сабақты толықтыру\үй тапсырмасы – 1 мин.                                                                                                     

5. Топқа бөлу

«Заттар бойынша бөліну»

Әр оқушы өзінің бір ұсақ затын оқытушыға тапсырады, мәселен, қаламсабын, помадасын, кілтін, ұялы телефонын, т.б. Бұл заттар портфельге салынып, әр партаға төрт-төрттен ретсіз түрде қойылады.  Оқушылар өзінің заты қойылған парталарға отыруы керек.

 Сабақ кезінде

«Проблеманы айқындау» кезеңі.

а) Логикалық ойлауға негізделген ойсергек.


Буриме деп берілген ұйқастарға өлең жолдарын (тармақтарын) құрастыруды атайды

Listen and repeat the poem

Come to the party`.

Don`t be (late)

Eat all you want.

But don`t eat the (plate)

D) checking up the home task

What was your home task for today?

Our home task was learn by heart the poems about holidays.


Who wants to start?


What was your home task for today?

Our home task was learn by heart the poems about holidays.


Who wants to start?

 The 20 th of
april 2012

Class work

  «Проблеманы шешу» кезеңі 

 «Жигсо» тәсілін қолдану.

II Realization the New Theme «Holidays«

Teacher: as you know every country and every nation has its own holidays, custome and traditions. Read the British Holidays.Introduction to Holidays.
Presentation .

Now we`ll acguaintance with the Holidays in detail.


On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights.

Children wake up early to find stockings of small present on there bed.

 New Year    

New Year`s Eve all British on the 31 st of December.

Most people see with friends and relatives.

At midnight they New Year songs and wishes a happy  New Year.

St.Valentine`s day

On the 14 th of February there is St.Valentine`s Day. People send alentine`s cards to someone they love. Usually they don`t sing them – you hould guess who sent cards to you.



In arch there is a holiday for English women – Mother`s Day.

in the family try to help her.

there day there visit their mothers and give them presents and
A Mother`s day Card

Patrick`s day

17 th of March is a national holiday in Ireland — St. Patrick`s Day. On there
day people wear a shamrock. A shamrock is a plant with three leaves. It is the
national symbol of Ireland.

Patrick was a man who had wonderful power. He cleared Ireland of


April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day.

Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.

April Fool’s Day

Fool’s Day is on the 1st of April. English children like this day very much.
They play jokes and tricks on other people, even on teachers.


Father’s day

June the English people celebrate Father’s Day. On that day children send cards
and give presents to their father’s.

In Great Britain
children don’t go to school on the 1st of September. They begin to study on the
second Tuesday of September.


the 31 st
of October there is Halloween. The symbol of this holiday is «Jack o’lantern». People make it from a
pumpkin. Children like Halloween
parties, they put on witch’s and ghost’s dresses. They go «trick or

 Father’s day

June the English people celebrate Father’s Day. On that day children send cards
and give presents to their father’s.

In Great Britain
children don’t go to school on the 1st of September. They begin to study on the
second Tuesday of September.


On the 31 st of October there is
Halloween. The symbol of this
holiday is «Jack o’lantern». People make it from a pumpkin. Children like Halloween parties, they
put on witch’s and ghost’s dresses. They go «trick or treat»


Christ, roast turkey, snow man, decoration, cards, gifts, song, Nauryz kozhe,
milk, kokpar, balloon, dance, baursaks, pudding, cake, kydyr ata, kymyz,
traditional costumes, party, Happy New Year.

шешімін қолдану» кезеңі.
   Question — answers

 When do British people celebrate          Halloween?
When do they celebrate Christmas?What holiday do we celebrate on 8 of March?

 Сергіту сәті

 Sing a song

«My Bonnie lies over the ocean»


Оқушыларға келесідей ұрақтар қойылады:1) Сабақ бойынша қандай сұрақтарыңыз бар?2) Сабақ қызықты өтті ме?3) Жаңа тақырып бойынша өзіңізге керекті мәліметтерді таптыңыз ба?4) Бүгінгі үйренгеніңіз Сіз үшін болашақта қажет болады деп ойлайсыз ба?Reflexion


let’s do some conclusion. What have we done during our today’s lesson?

marks. Many of you got excellent marks, some of you got good marks.

 «Қызмет ақпарат.








your diaries and write down your home task.

the topic
my favourite holiday

lesson is over. Good — buy!
See you soon!



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