Ашық сабақ: Open lesson The theme

Open lessonThe theme: The game“ Polyglot ” Written by the teacher:D.Turmahanova

The theme of the lesson: The game “ Polyglot ”The aims:            

  a) to enrich pupils’ knowledge about our  country-Kazakhstan               

  b) to revise the  material on  the theme “ Kazakhstan”              

  c) to develop pupils’ skills in  speaking 

Equipment and visual aids:   interactive-blackboard

The host:

Good day dear pupils, teachers and guests! Welcome to our intellectual show! We are glad to see and we hope that you will enjoy today’s game.  Language is the main type of communication. There are nearly 3000 languages in the world. English and Russian are the languages of an international communication/ Kazakh is the state language of our country.

With the help of the knowledge of foreign languages we can communicate with each other, through the Internet or get necessary information from it. And with the help of Kazakh and Russian we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and bring up as patriots of our Motherland.  Well, we begin our game and let’s meet our
( Participants tell some words about themselves, about hobbies, favourite subjects, motto.)  

A man who knows many language has no difficulties, especially in the first level “ Baiga”.

Who is the President  of Kazakhstan?
Who is the President  of Kazakhstan?
What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

Who is the author of the State Flag?

Who is the author of the State Emblem

Who is the author of the State Anthem of Kazakhstan?

What is the area of Kazakhstan?

What is the population of our country?

What is the official state language of Kazakhstan?

What is the official state language of Kazakhstan?

What main rivers of Kazakhstan do you know?

tom: 0pt;»> Level 2 . “ Polyglot”

1.Жақсыдан … , жаманнан жирен.    ( үйрен, учись, learn )

2. Кітап -… бұлағы .        (білім, знание, knowledge )

3.Отан … да ыстық.              ( оттан, огонь, fire )

4. Ананың сүті бал, баланың … бал.              ( тілі, язык, tongue )

5. Туған жердей жер болмас, туған елдей  …болмас.   (ел, страна, country )

6. Жақсымен .. .  болсаң жетесің мұратқа, жаманмен  … болсаң қаласың ұятқа.  (дос, друг, friend )

7. Көп түкірсе …   (көл, озеро, lake )

8. Жері байдың – елі …        (бай, богат, rich)

9.      … жер көгерер.      ( жаңбыриен, дождь, rain )

10. Бір тал кессең , он … ек.              (тал , дерево, tree )

11. Туған жерге  … тік.             (туыңды, флаг, flag )

12.  … түбі  береке.                    ( еңбек, труд, work )

tom: 0pt;»> 

Level 3. “ Magic  seven ”










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tom: 0pt; vertical-align: baseline;» align=»center»> 


tom: 0pt;»>20- red. Give English equivalents    each proverb.

Ештен кеш жақсы.

Әр елдің салты басқа, иті қара қасқа.

Өз үйім өлең төсегім.

20- green. Translate proverbs into English.( Мақалдарды ағылшын тіліне аударыңдар)

Өз үйім, өлең төсегім.

Денсаулық –зор байлық.

Көп сөз – күміс, аз сөз –алтын.

20- blue. Complete idioms. ( Тұрақты сөз тіркестерін толықтыр және қазақ, орыс тілдеріне аудар)

1. Out of sight, out of  …

2. To roll in …

3. Something is on the tip of somebody’s …

4. On cloud

5. A storm in …  30-red. Write plural forms of the nouns.

A country, a river, a university, a mountain, a city

A country, a river, a university, a mountain, a city

30-green.     Write synonyms of these words:

Come back- … , do-…, get – …,famous- … — … 30-blue. Write antonyms of these words: Beautiful- …, night – … , rich –… , work –… ,official-…, legal- … 40-red. Answer the question: What famous Kazakh writers do you know?  40-green . Answer the question: How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?

40- blue . Answer the question:

When did the Summit
take part in Kazakhstan?

Levelм  4. “ Do you know English perfectly?”

  1. teach             ship
  2. child             ist
  3. free             ful
  4. dark             dom
  5. friend           ous
  6. art               hood
  7. danger           ness

tom: 0pt;»> 

Level 5. “ Zorga

What kind of state is Kazakhstan?

Who is the head of Kazakhstan?

3. When does   Kazakhstan celebrate the  Independence   Day?

What are the most national popular holidays in Kazakhstan?

What the main political parties of Kazakhstan do you know?

What kinds of schools are there in our country?

What important buildings are situated in Astana?

Where does the President of Kazakhstan live and work?


Level 6. “ If I were …”

Speak about your future pfofession.

tom: 0pt;»> 

Level 7. “ Orator”

The theme:   My Motherland

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